MCD upgraded shock piston and guide set 5 Holes
MCD upgraded piston and guide set made by BoneHead RC.
4 New designed pistons fully machined to ensure they are true and round, MCD stock pistons are moulded mine was oval 0.25mm on a brand new set of pistons.
The stock guides was a little better but still oval coming off the same tree.
This kit will give a smoother more reliable shock feel been machined to a tighter tolerance, quality, fit and finish at BoneHead RC we strive to make sure that our customers have the best products available.
4 New pistons (5 hole) unique to bonehead RC from racers input
4 New guides
4 carbon washers
4 nyloc nuts
1 unique shock tool (gets the correct oil fill hight, and pushes the piston in to the correct depth)
Of course you'll get the famous BoneHead-RC sticker