MCD Upgraded Carbon Fibre Front Wishbone Holder M300203A
Machined from 100% genuine carbon fibre layered specially to BoneHead-RC specification for an unparalleled match on strength and reliability.
The wait it over now you can upgrade the front MCD pin brace set from 8mm genuine bonehead RC carbon fibre, these was on my own personal rig since may 2023 when I broke the genuine alloy MCD one.
These have custom bronze bushes at zero degree, similar to the ones used in my baja pin braces, but these are longer to suit the MCD thicker brace.
These have held up great to a proper bonehead bashing, hit a couple steel post, many nosedives, rolls and crashes all seen on Facebook.
Picture shows both front shock shaft broke, unseen damage but the bulks broke, steering saver broke, one pin broke.
Pin braces held just fine with no damage and fully usable, as with all BoneHead products they are fully tested before releasing.